Last Summer Scene 63

Theresa opened the bedroom door to go talk to Joan only to find her right up against the door. “What are you doing?”

“I’m sorry. I was trying to listen to you both, but your were talking too softly. What happened?”

“Your son would like us to treat him as he was treated when he would stay here before.”

“You mean he wants to wear diapers?”

“It’s actually a little more involved than that, But we can start with what he wears.”

“There is more to it than just the wetting and diapers?”

“Simply put, yes. Let me get him ready right now and we can talk about the rest later today. Ultimately, I need you to help us. If you both are up to it, maybe as soon as getting ready for bedtime tonight. Why don’t you go downstairs and we will meet you down there in a few minutes.”

“Ok,” Joan answered timidly.